Strategy Consulting Company.


SASAL, INC is a global strategy consulting firm established in 2022. SASAL, INC’s mission is to “Increase your company’s Future value.” When you would like to grow your business, it’s time to connect with SASAL, INC. As a strategy consulting firm, SASAL, INC tells straight opinions and proposals directly to the client. Our past cases are written here. SASAL, INC is glad to grow with you. Thank you.


Increase The Future Value


As a strategic consulting firm, we perform project work. SASAL provides strategic consulting services.

For comfortable relationships, SASAL, INC is defining the flow of relationship building. Please feel free to contact SASAL, INC.

 COST$100,000 – $1,000,000 / Project
 TERM3month / 6month / 12 month
All AllWhite Paper
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Whole Business Replanning

A privately held U.S company was in need of our expertise regarding their entire business...

Internal Communication Hub

SASAL INC provided consulting services to divisions of a holding company (HD Companies) where the...

Global Market Research

A global survey on the satellite broadcasting industry was conducted as a research document for...

Electric Vehicle Product Sales Strategy Planning

Provided business support for Electric Vehicle strategy. Reworked sales strategy for product sales based on...

Business Due Diligence

Purpose of this project : Identifying the market to enter when considering the development of...


Contribute as one company that supports the wealth of countries around the world.

Our vision is “Contribute as one company that supports the wealth of countries around the world”. Hence We would like to continue to make the connection to the global to grow our current and future clients.


Save the Quality of the work for the client

For the quality of the work, SASAL, INC sets that policy for the employees…

CEO Workshop by SASAL, INC

Are you ready to propel your company to new heights of success in today’s dynamic…

Human Resource Restructure

A member of our company participated in the global unification of the HR domain as…

[Introduce] Strategy Consulting (SMALL)

Service Name: Strategy Consulting Small PackageCost:$20,000 ( + tax) / month. Team: Three members.Contents: Based on…