How to Maximize Google Advertisement to the South Asian Market

Optimizing YouTube Views and Impressions in South Asia: Insights from Google Ads

When optimizing YouTube views and impressions in South Asia, it’s crucial to leverage data insights from your ad campaigns. Based on recent Google Ads performance results, several key trends emerge, guiding how to maximize viewership and impressions effectively.

1. Timing is Key

The “Day & Hour” data reveals that YouTube ads perform best during specific time windows. In South Asia, peak engagement occurs primarily in the early mornings (around 6-9 AM) and later in the evenings (8-10 PM). Ads during the weekend mornings also show noticeable spikes in performance. To optimize for maximum views, scheduling ads to align with these active hours will ensure higher engagement and potentially better ROI on your campaigns.

2. Targeting the Right Audience

Demographics play a critical role in determining who engages with your content. According to the “Demographics” chart, most views are coming from males aged 25-34, with females in the same age group also contributing significantly. Ads should be tailored to resonate with this core audience, focusing on content that speaks to their interests. Adjusting ad copy and creatives to target this demographic specifically can boost engagement rates.

3. Device Optimization

The “Devices” report indicates that 100% of ad interactions occur on mobile phones, with virtually no engagement on tablets or desktops. In South Asia, mobile usage dominates online activity, so it’s important to create mobile-optimized content. This includes ensuring that video ads load quickly on mobile networks, and the messaging is clear and concise for small screens.

4. Maximizing Views at Low Costs

Finally, the “Time Series” data highlights impressive results, with 700K impressions and 17.2K views at an average cost per view (CPV) of just $0.01. Maintaining a high volume of impressions at such a low CPV suggests a well-targeted and efficient ad strategy. To continue optimizing, monitoring view rates (currently 2.45%) and experimenting with different ad types or targeting parameters can help sharpen campaigns for even greater effectiveness.

By focusing on data-driven decisions—timing ads for high-traffic periods, targeting specific demographics, and prioritizing mobile optimization—you can significantly improve YouTube views and impressions in South Asia. Continuous tweaking based on performance insights will ensure ongoing success and greater returns on ad spend.

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Basic Policy on Information Security

SASAL Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) will work on information security company-wide based on the following policy in order to protect information assets entrusted to us by customers from threats such as accidents, disasters, and crimes, and to earn the trust of our customers and society.

1. Responsibility of management

The Company will systematically and continuously strive to improve and enhance information security under the leadership of management.

2. Establishment of internal systems

The Company shall establish an organization to maintain and improve information security, and establish information security measures as official internal rules.

3. Employee Initiatives

Our employees will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for information security, and will ensure our efforts for information security.

4. Compliance with laws, regulations, and contractual requirements

We will comply with laws, regulations, norms, and contractual obligations related to information security and meet the expectations of our customers.

5. Response to violations and accidents

In the event of a violation of laws and regulations, a breach of contract, or an accident related to information security, we will take appropriate measures and strive to prevent recurrence.

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What are the Sectors?

S&P sectors are classifications within the S&P 500 Index that group companies by their core business functions. Following the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), this system organizes companies into 11 separate sectors, making it easier to analyze and compare their performance. Each sector reflects a unique part of the economy, assisting investors in:

S&P sectors allow investors to evaluate the performance of different segments of the economy, helping to identify which sectors are performing well or poorly. They also aid in making investment decisions by uncovering opportunities and managing risk through diversification across sectors. Additionally, understanding these sectors provides insights into broader economic trends and specific industry dynamics, leading to more informed and strategic investment choices. These sectors help investors allocate more efficiently their funds.

The 11 sectors are as follow :

These are the official information stated on the S&P website

Energy  Energy Sector comprises companies engaged in exploration & production, refining & marketing, and storage & transportation of oil & gas and coal & consumable fuels. It also includes companies that offer oil & gas equipment and services. 
Materials  The Materials Sector includes companies that manufacture chemicals, construction materials, forest products, glass, paper and related packaging products, and metals, minerals and mining companies, including producers of steel. 
Industrials  The Industrials Sector includes manufacturers and distributors of capital goods such as aerospace & defense, building products, electrical equipment and machinery and companies that offer construction & engineering services. It also includes providers of commercial & professional services including printing, environmental and facilities services, office services & supplies, security & alarm services, human resource & employment services, research & consulting services. It also includes companies that provide transportation services. 
Consumer Discretionary  The Consumer Discretionary Sector encompasses those businesses that tend to be the most sensitive to economic cycles. Its manufacturing segment includes automobiles & components, household durable goods, leisure products and textiles & apparel. The services segment includes hotels, restaurants, and other leisure facilities. It also includes distributors and retailers of consumer discretionary products. 
Consumer Staples  The Consumer Staples Sector comprises companies whose businesses are less sensitive to economic cycles. It includes manufacturers and distributors of food, beverages and tobacco and producers of non-durable household goods and personal products. It also includes distributors and retailers of consumer staples products including food & drug retailing companies. 
Health Care   The Health Care Sector includes health care providers & services, companies that manufacture and distribute health care equipment & supplies, and health care technology companies. It also includes companies involved in the research, development, production and marketing of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology products. 
Financials  The Financials Sector contains companies engaged in banking, financial services, consumer finance, capital markets and insurance activities. It also includes Financial Exchanges & Data and Mortgage REITs.
Information Technology The Information Technology Sector comprises companies that offer software and information technology services, manufacturers and distributors of technology hardware & equipment such as communications equipment, cellular phones, computers & peripherals, electronic equipment and related instruments, and semiconductors and related equipment & materials. 
Communication Services  The Communication Services Sector includes companies that facilitate communication and offer related content and information through various mediums. It includes telecom and media & entertainment companies including producers of interactive gaming products and companies engaged in content and information creation or distribution through proprietary platforms. 
Utilities  The Utilities Sector comprises utility companies such as electric, gas and water utilities. It also includes independent power producers & energy traders and companies that engage in generation and distribution of electricity using renewable sources. 
Real Estate The Real Estate Sector contains companies engaged in real estate development and operation. It also includes companies offering real estate related services and Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).