How to save strategy cosultings’ fee by right negotiation

As a consulting firm, SASAL, INC. would like to share how to save the client’s budget when they ask the strategy consulting firm to take on the project.

Packaged Service

In each strategy, the corporation has a service package for efficiency. When the client asks for a job at a strategy consulting firm, please ask them to submit the package first before customizing it with an estimate.


After finishing the packaged service, it’s better to customize the Packaged Service Based on your direction. Sometimes, that is a waste of time. In that case, it’s better for you to ask them to give both sides of the packaged and customized project estimates.

How about SASAL, INC

In the case of SASAL, INC, all packaged services are on the client page. We can customize this by using our past case. To see the actual cost or details of the service, please contact the counselor service first.

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How to make use of fundrasing

Corporations engage in fundraising for a variety of strategic reasons. Here are some detailed insights:

Reasons Corporations Try Fundraising

Capital for Growth

Fundraising is essential for securing the capital needed to expand operations, enter new markets, or develop new products. This capital infusion is crucial for staying competitive and driving long-term growth. For example, a tech company might raise funds to build new data centers or expand its product line.

Research and Development

Innovation requires significant investment. Fundraising provides the necessary funds for R&D, enabling companies to create cutting-edge technologies or improve existing products. Pharmaceutical companies, for instance, often raise funds to develop new drugs and conduct clinical trials.

Debt Management

Companies might raise funds to pay off existing debts, which can improve their balance sheets and reduce interest expenses. This financial restructuring can lead to better financial health and more favorable terms for future borrowing. For example, a corporation might issue new shares to pay down high-interest debt.

Operational Costs

During periods of rapid growth or economic downturns, companies may need additional funds to cover day-to-day operational expenses. This ensures that they can maintain smooth operations without compromising on quality or service. Retail chains, for instance, might raise funds to manage inventory and supply chain costs.

Strategic Acquisitions

Fundraising can provide the capital needed for mergers and acquisitions, allowing companies to grow through strategic purchases of other businesses. This can help them gain new capabilities, enter new markets, or eliminate competition. For example, a large corporation might raise funds to acquire a smaller competitor with valuable technology.

Building Resilience

Having a strong financial base helps companies weather economic uncertainties and unexpected challenges, ensuring they remain stable and resilient. This financial cushion can be crucial during economic downturns or industry disruptions. For instance, a company might raise funds to build a reserve that can be used during tough times.

Enhancing Credibility

Successfully raising funds can enhance a company’s credibility and reputation in the market, attracting more investors and business opportunities. It signals to the market that the company is a viable and promising investment. For example, a startup that successfully raises a significant amount of capital can attract further investment and partnerships.

SASAL, INC’s Support

SASAL, INC is able to introduce CVC to the client.

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How to start Mergers and Acquisitions in the US

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are strategic decisions taken by companies to consolidate their assets, operations, and market presence. These transactions can significantly impact the business landscape, influencing market dynamics, competition, and economic growth. Mergers and Acquisitions are powerful tools for corporate growth and strategic realignment. While they offer numerous benefits, they also come with risks and challenges. Successful M&A transactions require careful planning, thorough due diligence, and effective integration strategies.

What is Mergers and Acquisitions


A merger occurs when two companies agree to combine their operations and form a new entity. This process is typically mutual and involves the blending of resources, technologies, and market share. Mergers can be classified into several types:

  1. Horizontal Mergers: These occur between companies operating in the same industry and often direct competitors. The primary goal is to achieve economies of scale, reduce competition, and increase market share. For example, the merger between Daimler-Benz and Chrysler to form DaimlerChrysler.
  2. Vertical Mergers: These involve companies at different stages of the production process. For instance, a manufacturer merging with a supplier. The aim is to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve supply chain efficiency. An example is the acquisition of Time Warner by AT&T.
  3. Conglomerate Mergers: These occur between companies in unrelated businesses. The objective is diversification, risk management, and leveraging synergies across different industries. An example is the merger between Walt Disney Company and American Broadcasting Company (ABC).


An acquisition happens when one company purchases another. The acquired company may either be absorbed into the purchasing company or operate as a subsidiary. Acquisitions can be friendly or hostile:

  1. Friendly Acquisitions: These occur when the target company agrees to be acquired. The process is usually smooth, with both companies working together to finalize the deal. An example is Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram.
  2. Hostile Acquisitions: These occur when the target company does not want to be acquired. The acquiring company may go directly to the shareholders or use other tactics to gain control. An example is the acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft Foods.

Valuation in M&A

Valuation is a critical aspect of M&A. It involves determining the worth of the target company to ensure a fair price is paid. Several methods are used for valuation:

  1. Comparable Company Analysis (CCA): This method involves comparing the target company with similar companies in the industry. Key metrics such as price-to-earnings ratio, EBITDA, and revenue multiples are analyzed.
  2. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF): This method involves projecting the target company’s future cash flows and discounting them to present value using a discount rate. It provides an intrinsic value based on the company’s future earning potential.
  3. Precedent Transactions: This method involves analyzing past M&A transactions in the same industry. It helps in understanding the market trends and valuation multiples paid for similar companies.

Regulations and Legal Considerations

M&A activities are subject to various regulations to ensure fair competition and prevent monopolies. Antitrust laws play a crucial role in this regard. Regulatory bodies such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States and the European Commission in the EU review M&A transactions to ensure they do not harm consumers or stifle competition.

Strategic Considerations

Companies engage in M&A for several strategic reasons:

  1. Growth: M&A can provide rapid growth opportunities by acquiring new markets, technologies, and customer bases.
  2. Synergies: Combining operations can lead to cost savings, increased efficiencies, and enhanced capabilities.
  3. Diversification: M&A allows companies to diversify their product lines, services, and market presence, reducing dependency on a single market.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Acquiring competitors or complementary businesses can strengthen a company’s market position and competitive edge.

Challenges in M&A

Despite the potential benefits, M&A transactions come with challenges:

  1. Cultural Integration: Merging different corporate cultures can be difficult and may lead to conflicts and reduced employee morale.
  2. Regulatory Hurdles: Obtaining regulatory approvals can be time-consuming and may require significant concessions.
  3. Financial Risks: Overpaying for a target company or failing to achieve projected synergies can lead to financial losses.
  4. Operational Disruptions: Integrating operations can disrupt business activities and affect customer relationships.

SASAL, INC’s Support

SASAL recommends M&A for niche technologies. On the other hand, we do not recommend M&A to increase operational speed and efficiency. This is because acquisitions are labor-intensive and costly, and PMI is also expensive. As a result, we have seen many companies abandon acquired services because they cannot utilize them fully. SASAL recommends that clients consider whether or not to purchase a company based on its patentability, and our M&A support is designed to provide our clients with honest opinions. Our M&A support will provide our clients with an honest opinion.

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To establish efficient sales ways

Establishing efficient sales strategies for your corporation involves several key steps. First, define clear sales goals using the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Understand your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) by researching and identifying the characteristics of your best customers. Streamline your sales processes by optimizing your sales funnel and using automation tools like CRM systems to manage leads and track interactions. Invest in continuous sales training and coaching to keep your team updated on the latest techniques. Align your sales and marketing teams to create a unified strategy, ensuring they share insights and coordinate campaigns. Leverage data and analytics to make informed decisions and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates and customer acquisition costs. Focus on building strong customer relationships through value-based selling and regular feedback collection. Optimize resource allocation by prioritizing high-value leads and budgeting effectively. Utilize technology, including CRM systems and sales enablement tools, to enhance your sales efforts. Finally, commit to continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and adapting your strategies based on new insights and market changes. By following these steps, you can create a more efficient and effective sales process that drives growth and improves customer satisfaction.

Outbound Sales Ways

Outbound sales involve proactively reaching out to potential customers through methods like cold calling and email campaigns, while inbound sales rely on attracting customers who initiate contact through marketing efforts like content creation and SEO. Outbound sales target prospects who may not be familiar with the company, whereas inbound sales engage with prospects already interested in the company’s offerings. Both strategies can be effective, often used together to maximize reach and sales potential.

Email Outreach

  • Subject Lines: Craft compelling subject lines that grab attention and encourage the recipient to open the email.
  • Personalization: Personalize the email content to address the recipient’s specific needs and interests.
  • Follow-Up Sequences: Develop a series of follow-up emails to nurture leads who don’t respond to the initial outreach.

In SASAL, INC, there are DM services. SASAL, INC is doing DM through LinkedIn. If the client asks us to operate e-mail outreach, we are able to do it instead of your corporation. When you would like to contract cold sales of SASAL, INC, you need to make a contract counselor service.

Social Selling

  • Building a Presence: Establish a strong presence on social media platforms relevant to your industry.
  • Engagement: Engage with potential customers by commenting on their posts, sharing valuable content, and participating in discussions.
  • Content Sharing: Share content that showcases your expertise and provides value to your audience.

In the case of SASAL, INC, we operate on LinkedIn.

Networking Events

  • Preparation: Research the event and the attendees to identify potential prospects and prepare your pitch.
  • Elevator Pitch: Develop a concise and compelling elevator pitch that clearly communicates your value proposition.
  • Follow-Up: After the event, follow up with the contacts you made to continue the conversation and build relationships.

In the case of SASAL, INC, we hold the SASAL Conference every month. This is free when you join online. Please feel free to ask everything.

Referral Programs

  • Incentives: Create a referral program that incentivizes your existing customers to refer new prospects.
  • Communication: Clearly communicate the benefits of the referral program to your customers and make it easy for them to participate.
  • Tracking: Use tools to track referrals and measure the success of your program.

Webinars and Online Workshops

  • Content: Develop informative and engaging content that addresses the pain points of your target audience.
  • Promotion: Promote your webinars through various channels, including email, social media, and your website.
  • Engagement: Engage with attendees during the webinar through Q&A sessions and interactive polls.

Lead Scoring

  • Criteria: Define criteria for scoring leads based on their behavior and engagement with your brand.
  • Automation: Use automation tools to score leads and prioritize follow-up efforts.
  • Nurturing: Develop nurturing campaigns for leads that are not yet ready to convert.

Inbound Sales Ways

Content marketing

  • Blogs: attract prospects by providing useful information and industry trends.
  • White papers: gain prospects’ trust by providing in-depth guides and research findings.

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

  • Optimize the content of your website or blog for search engines and ensure it ranks highly for the keywords your prospects search for.

Social networking (social media)

  • Disseminate information and actively communicate with your followers on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Webinars (online seminars)

  • Provide expert knowledge and product demonstrations online and create opportunities to interact directly with prospective customers.

Email marketing

  • Provide prospects with regular, useful information to keep them engaged.

SASAL Sales Way

This is customer flow, as an outbound sales sasal focuses on the LinkedIn communication. Based on the demand for the new connection, SASAL recommends those services. Every day, SASAL posts on LinkedIn, and by watching them, the followers can learn about profitable services. We aren’t doing Direct Mail or cold Calls for the visitors because they might be interested in us at first.

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How to operate Global Accounting with right way

Those are the things you need to consider before starting a global business. With information on SASAL, INC, we will explain global accounting.

Basic Information

1. Different Accounting Standards

There are two types of accounting standards: IFRS vs. GAAP. IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) is used by over 140 countries, including the European Union, Canada, and many Asian countries. IFRS aims to bring transparency, accountability, and efficiency to financial markets around the world. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) is primarily used in the United States. GAAP is more rules-based, whereas IFRS is principles-based. This means GAAP provides specific guidelines for various scenarios, while IFRS allows for more interpretation and judgment.

The Key Differences in the Accounting Standards are below.

  • Revenue Recognition: IFRS uses a single model for revenue recognition, while GAAP has multiple standards.
  • Inventory Accounting: IFRS prohibits the use of LIFO (Last In, First Out) method, which is allowed under GAAP.
  • Development Costs: Under IFRS, development costs can be capitalized if certain criteria are met, whereas GAAP typically requires these costs to be expensed as incurred.

2. Currency Exchange Rates

The impact on Financial Statements is below. Translation Risk: When consolidating financial statements, the exchange rate used can significantly impact the reported results. Companies must decide whether to use the current rate, average rate, or historical rate. Transaction Risk: This arises from the actual exchange of currencies in business transactions. Companies need to manage this risk through hedging strategies like forward contracts or options.

Best Practices:

  • Consistent Application: Use consistent methods for translating foreign currency transactions to ensure comparability.
  • Disclosure: Clearly disclose the methods and rates used in financial statements to provide transparency to stakeholders.

3. Tax Regulations

Corporate Tax Rates vary widely between countries. For example, Ireland has a corporate tax rate of 12.5%, while the U.S. has a rate of 21%. Transfer Pricing Rules that govern the pricing of transactions between related entities in different countries. Compliance with local transfer pricing regulations is crucial to avoid penalties.

  • Tax Planning: Engage in proactive tax planning to optimize the overall tax burden.
  • Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation to support the tax positions taken, especially for transfer pricing.

4. Consolidation of Financial Statements


  • Different Reporting Periods: Subsidiaries may have different fiscal year-ends. Aligning these periods is necessary for consolidation.
  • Intercompany Transactions: Eliminate intercompany transactions to avoid double counting.


  • Uniform Accounting Policies: Ensure all subsidiaries follow uniform accounting policies for consolidation.
  • Adjustments: Make necessary adjustments for differences in accounting standards and practices.

5. Cultural Differences

Impact on Business Practices:

  • Communication Styles: Direct vs. indirect communication can affect how financial information is reported and interpreted.
  • Decision-Making: Hierarchical vs. collaborative decision-making processes can influence financial management and reporting.


  • Cultural Training: Provide cultural training to accounting staff to enhance understanding and cooperation.
  • Local Expertise: Employ local experts who understand the cultural nuances and can bridge gaps.

6. Regulatory Compliance

Varying Requirements:

  • Financial Reporting: Different countries have specific requirements for financial disclosures, audit standards, and filing deadlines.
  • Data Protection: Regulations like GDPR in Europe impact how financial data is handled and reported.

Staying Updated:

  • Regular Monitoring: Keep abreast of changes in local regulations through regular monitoring and updates.
  • Compliance Programs: Implement robust compliance programs to ensure adherence to local laws.

7. Technology and Systems


  • Accounting Software: Use integrated accounting software that supports multiple currencies, languages, and accounting standards.
  • Data Consistency: Ensure data consistency across different systems and locations.


  • Efficiency: Streamlined processes and real-time data access improve efficiency and decision-making.
  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of errors and discrepancies in financial reporting.

In the Case of SASAL, INC.

In SASAL, INC, we use Dynamics 365 and Quick Books & Money Foward; for domestic corporations, SASAL, INC recommends using the domestic accounting tool because the big corporation’s system needs to be customized, so domestic accounting is better for operating actual accounting. Domestic tools are more efficient because they can handle more than just the actual accounting, such as dealing with on-boarding. However, for the analysis of all corporations, SASAL recommends a big corporation’s tool by connecting it to a small corporation’s tool.

In the case of SASAL, INC, the first problem is to set the accounting regulations. For a smooth way, SASAL sets the rules before the transaction is done too much. If you ask a big corporation to fix the regulations, that takes time; therefore, SASAL recommends starting from small by learning systematically.

When you contract SASAL’s counselor service, we are able to show SASAL’s case. Thank you.

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How to make use of Business Due Deligence

Due diligence is a thorough and detailed investigation or audit of a potential investment, business, or product to confirm all relevant facts and financial information. It is a critical process often undertaken before entering into a business transaction, such as mergers, acquisitions, or investments, to ensure that all aspects of the deal are fully understood and evaluated.

Key Types of Due Diligence

Financial Due Diligence

The objective is to assess the financial health and performance of the target company. Reviewing financial statements, analyzing cash flows, examining debt levels, and evaluating revenue streams. This helps in understanding the profitability, financial stability, and potential financial risks of the business.

Legal Due Diligence

The objective is to ensure that the target company complies with all legal and regulatory requirements. Reviewing contracts, intellectual property rights, litigation history, and compliance with laws and regulations. This helps in identifying any legal risks or liabilities that could impact the transaction.

Operational Due Diligence

The Objective is to evaluate the operational efficiency and capabilities of the target company. Assessing the company’s operational processes, supply chain, production capabilities, and technology infrastructure. This helps in identifying any operational risks or areas for improvement.

Commercial Due Diligence

The Objective is to understand the market position and growth potential of the target company. Analyzing market trends, competitive landscape, customer base, and sales strategies. This helps in assessing the company’s market opportunities and strategic fit.

Environmental Due Diligence

The Objective is to evaluate the environmental impact and compliance of the target company. Reviewing environmental permits, assessing compliance with environmental regulations, and identifying potential environmental liabilities. This helps in understanding the environmental risks associated with the business.

    The Due Diligence Process

    1. Planning and Scoping:
      • Define the scope and objectives of the due diligence process.
      • Identify the key areas to be investigated and the resources required.
      • Develop a detailed plan outlining the steps and timeline for the due diligence process.
    2. Information Gathering:
      • Collect relevant data and documents, such as financial statements, legal contracts, operational reports, and market research.
      • Conduct site visits, interviews with key personnel, and review public records to gather comprehensive information.
    3. Analysis and Evaluation:
      • Analyze the collected information to identify any risks, liabilities, or opportunities.
      • Perform financial analysis, legal review, operational assessment, and market analysis to evaluate the target company.
      • Identify any red flags or areas that require further investigation.
    4. Reporting and Documentation:
      • Prepare a detailed due diligence report summarizing the findings of the investigation.
      • Highlight any significant issues, risks, and opportunities identified during the due diligence process.
      • Provide recommendations for addressing any identified risks or concerns.
    5. Decision Making:
      • Use the findings of the due diligence report to make informed decisions about the transaction.
      • Negotiate terms, adjust the purchase price, or decide whether to proceed with the deal based on the due diligence findings.
      • Ensure that all identified risks are addressed and mitigated before finalizing the transaction.

    Importance of Due Diligence

    Due diligence is crucial for several reasons:

    • Risk Mitigation: It helps in identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with a transaction, ensuring that any hidden liabilities or issues are uncovered before the deal is finalized.
    • Informed Decision Making: It provides a comprehensive understanding of the target company, enabling informed decision-making and ensuring that the transaction aligns with the strategic goals of the acquiring company.
    • Valuation Accuracy: It ensures that the transaction is accurately priced based on a thorough evaluation of the target company’s financial health, market position, and operational capabilities.
    • Compliance: It ensures that the target company complies with all legal and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of future legal issues or penalties.

    By conducting thorough due diligence, businesses can make more informed decisions, avoid potential pitfalls, and increase the likelihood of a successful transaction. It is a critical step in the investment and acquisition process that helps protect the interests of all parties involved.

    SASAL is able to handle Commercial Due Diligence & Operational Due Diligence, which is called Business Due diligence. If there are questions please feel free to contact us.

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    In the case of SASAL, INC, we started the global business to get the strategy job from the global. For example, to get international market research. Therefore, SASAL recommends that each corporation start its business at its capability. SASAL, INC is alive to make the synergy, so when a client hopes to glow in the New York market, SASAL, INC can support this by using current knowledge. Please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

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    The reasons SASAL recommends businesses in the New York.

    Why the United States?

    The reason SASAL chose the United States. Starting a business in the United States offers numerous advantages, including access to a large and affluent market, a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, ample funding opportunities, a skilled workforce, strong government support, and a dynamic business environment. These factors collectively make the U.S. an attractive destination for entrepreneurs looking to start and grow their businesses.

    Large Market Size

    The United States boasts a population of over 330 million people, making it one of the largest consumer markets in the world. This vast market size provides businesses with access to a diverse and affluent customer base. Additionally, the U.S. has a high GDP per capita, indicating strong purchasing power among consumers. This combination of a large market and high purchasing power creates ample opportunities for businesses to grow and thrive.

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    The U.S. is renowned for its culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Silicon Valley, for example, is a global hub for technology and innovation, attracting entrepreneurs and investors from around the world. The U.S. government and private sector both support innovation through funding, research grants, and a favorable regulatory environment. This culture encourages risk-taking and supports the development of new ideas and technologies, making it an ideal place for startups and innovative businesses.

    Access to Capital

    The financial system in the United States is highly developed, offering a wide range of funding options for businesses. Entrepreneurs can access venture capital, angel investors, and a robust stock market to raise funds for their ventures. Additionally, the U.S. government provides various grants and loans to support small businesses and startups. This access to capital is crucial for businesses looking to scale and expand their operations.

    Skilled Workforce

    The United States has a highly educated and skilled workforce, which is essential for business growth and innovation. The country is home to some of the world’s top universities and research institutions, providing a continuous pipeline of talent. Moreover, the U.S. attracts skilled professionals from around the globe, adding to the diversity and expertise of its workforce. This skilled labor force is a significant asset for businesses, enabling them to innovate and compete on a global scale.

    Government Support

    The U.S. government offers numerous incentives and support programs to encourage business development. These include tax benefits, grants, and loans designed to help businesses start and grow. Programs like the Small Business Administration (SBA) provide resources, training, and support to entrepreneurs. Additionally, the regulatory environment in the U.S. is generally business-friendly, making it easier to start and operate a business.

    Business Dynamism

    The United States ranks highly in business dynamism, which includes factors such as the ease of starting a business, regulatory environment, and the ability to scale operations. The U.S. consistently performs well in global competitiveness rankings, thanks to its efficient markets, strong institutions, and innovative capacity. This dynamic business environment fosters continuous improvement and growth, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs.

    Why the New York?

    The reason SASAL chose New York. While New York does have higher business costs and taxes compared to some other states, the benefits of access to capital, a robust economy, a talented workforce, and a supportive business environment often outweigh these challenges.

    1. Access to Capital: New York is home to a significant number of venture capital firms, angel investors, and financial institutions. This concentration of capital sources makes it easier for startups and growing businesses to secure the necessary funding. Whether you’re looking for seed funding or large-scale investments, New York offers a robust financial ecosystem that can support your business at various stages of growth.
    2. Economic Hub: New York City, in particular, is a global economic powerhouse. It hosts the headquarters of numerous Fortune 500 companies and serves as a major center for industries such as finance, media, technology, and fashion. This economic vibrancy provides businesses with ample opportunities for networking, partnerships, and market expansion. The city’s infrastructure, including its transportation and communication networks, further supports business operations and logistics.
    3. Talent Pool: The state of New York attracts a diverse and highly skilled workforce from around the world. This is partly due to its prestigious universities and colleges, which produce a steady stream of qualified graduates. Additionally, the city’s cultural diversity means businesses can benefit from a wide range of perspectives and ideas, fostering innovation and creativity. Whether you need tech experts, creative professionals, or experienced managers, New York’s talent pool is one of its greatest assets.
    4. Innovation and Collaboration: New York is a hub for innovation, with numerous incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces that support startups and entrepreneurs. The state also encourages collaboration between businesses and academic institutions, leading to the development of cutting-edge technologies and solutions. This environment of innovation is ideal for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve and continuously improve their products and services.
    5. Support and Resources: The state of New York offers a variety of incentives and resources to help businesses succeed. These include tax credits, grants, and training programs designed to support business growth and development. Additionally, organizations such as the New York Small Business Development Center (NYSBDC) provide valuable guidance and support to entrepreneurs. These resources can help reduce the initial costs of starting a business and provide ongoing support as your business grows.

    SASAL considers New York the most difficult place for business in the world. When we are able to continue the business in New York, SASAL thinks that we will be able to do business in other places as well. We make it important to try harder in the environment to support the client as a strategy consulting firm.

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    How to find the right strategy consulting firm

    SASAL, INC is a strategy consulting firm. SASAL, INC thinks that to operate a corporation; every corporation needs a strategy consulting firm. A strategy consulting firm is a firm that gives the correct opinion based on the background of the corporation and leads the proper operation of the corporation.

    What is the right strategy consulting firm?

    Difference between the right strategy firm and others

    There are differences between real strategy and desk strategy. SASAL, INC focuses on the real strategy. Real strategy is the strategy for getting sales and growing your corporation. It is not a strategy for explaining. SASAL, INC concentrates on the real strategy for each corporation. For example, when the client is a start-up, SASAL, INC provides sales advice for growing your corporation. When the client is a tier corporation, SASAL, INC is focused on the efficient way of operating the corporation. When the client asks the business to the strategy consulting firm, the client needs to consider whether the corporation is able to provide a real strategy or not.

    What is a strategy consulting firm? Some say they make PowerPoint presentations, create documents, and listen to clients’ demands. SASAL, INC. thinks that an actual strategy consulting firm is focused on the client’s Future Value. A strategy consulting firm focused on making plans is just a bunch of workers.

    SASAl, INC. thinks strategy consulting firms must focus on the client’s future value. For future value, you need to earn the sales correctly; after earning the money, you might like to contribute to the world.

    In the one range of the contract to the one business corporation, sometimes a strategy consulting firm is forced to make a strategy document to win the other department in one corporation. However, that is not a real strategy consulting firm feature; the real strategy consulting firm’s figure is to grow the client’s future value. That also leads you to earn your current sales.

    A strategy consulting firm needs to work on realizing the client’s KPI. That is not only making the document; the real strategy consulting firm’s figure is growing the client’s future value by using current knowledge, connections, resources, and others.

    If you are considering asking a strategy consulting firm for a project, the first thing you need to see is the firm’s attitude. That also leads to true business future value and current value growth.

    Significant problems for every consulting firm.

    Before introducing our firm, we would like to share with you some of the challenges we have identified for consulting firms. Just as the needs of companies vary widely, so do the characteristics of consulting firms. Please note that we are not in any way denigrating other firms.

    Corporate Structure Issues.

    Some strategic consulting firms do not focus on employee development but instead earn revenue by subcontracting work to subcontractors or freelancers. In this business model, the client may end up training the subcontractor’s employees as if they were full-time employees. In the long run, SASAL believes that it is more efficient for companies to hire full-time employees rather than outsourcing to outside firms, even if the need arises to explore new areas that are not well known. In this case, SASAL’s services are more flexible than those of other consulting firms, and we are confident that we can help companies accumulate knowledge by hiring experts as full-time employees and accumulating knowledge in your company while we provide additional support in areas of expertise.

    Proposal Issues

    Basically, consulting firms submit a proposal after hearing your requirements.SASAL, on the other hand, basically states its costs upfront, just as retailers do. This is because we are confident in the range of services that we can provide at SASAL and can ensure a stable supply. We also want to be involved in the growth of each company for a long time by providing our clients with the right services at the right cost. Some consulting firms submit estimates even when the project members who will be handling the project do not have the knowledge to do so, utilizing past results and examples from other countries.SASAL is so confident in its services that it publishes service details and costs in advance to avoid the same problems.SASAL is so confident in its services that it posts service details and costs in advance to avoid the same situation.

    Project Operational Issues.

    The goal of each project is to achieve the goals of the proposal, and consulting firms tend to use outside firms when in-house expertise is lacking. In some cases, as much as 80% of a project may consist of subcontractors, and the composition of the firm will not come to light unless the client requests disclosure. In addition, subcontractors may be forced to act as if they are full-time employees on the project, which is a far cry from being honest with the client. When a strategy consulting firm relies on outside firms, the consulting firm is positioned as a department store rather than a repository of strategic knowledge, and we believe that contracting directly with experts rather than contracting with a department store is the right management approach. We believe that contracting directly with experts rather than with department stores is the right way to manage a company because contracting with experts with expertise not only keeps costs down but also allows a company to accumulate knowledge in-house because the information becomes clearer. Finally, if the company desires, the knowledge gained can be turned into a business as a service, not only reducing costs but also establishing the business as a profitable one, which can be recorded as sales.

    Work Environment Issues

    Consulting firms are generally considered to be hard-working. This is because the workload of the staff increases depending on the supervisor’s instructions, regardless of the value to the client. In many cases, the project lead does not understand the shortest distance to provide the deliverables described in the proposal documents, and in this case, instructions to subordinates are vague, resulting in an increase in unnecessary work. There are also cases where time is wasted because the supervisor is not in control of the task even though the subordinate’s workload is decreasing, or where the subordinate’s opinion, even if brilliant, is not reflected in the project and the value is finally recognized and reflected after being pointed out by the client. On the other hand, labor costs are not reflected in the client’s budget.SASAL focuses on making the hierarchy of the project structure as shallow as possible so that the client’s role in the project can be clearly defined.SASAL focuses on creating a clear role for the client by keeping the hierarchy of the project structure as shallow as possible in order to avoid unnecessary client budget wastage and to help clients spend more meaningfully and increase their corporate value.

    Strategy Consulting firm’s values

    For the Visitor of the Strategy Consulting Firm

    Indeed, the expert is the director of every corporation; however, because they always consider their business, sometimes they forget about the broad insight. In that case, the knowledge of the consulting firm tends to give you the correct value. A strategy consulting firm is an extensive database of each corporation’s strategy knowledge. Primarily, when the director focuses on sales, sometimes they can’t see the right way of operation. In that case, SASAL, INC tells the correct opinion of the current employee instead of the employees and describes the proper operation.

    For the Tier Corporation, which already makes contracts with consulting firm

    Compared with other corporations, SASAL’s cost structure is really clear. Basically, consulting firms’ budgets are expensive, but the cost system is not transparent. That is because the cost comes from the occupancy of the human resources. In big corporations, people are accustomed to the high budget range. Still, by considering the proper operation, we can optimize by using the right method and by providing the appropriate knowledge.

    SASAL’s Supports

    SASAL Characteristic

    Clear cost structure with in-house knowledge

    At SASAL, we are aware of clear cost structures. In most cases, especially in the case of large companies, budgets are large, and most of them spend more than necessary without realizing it. In some cases, they continue to place orders unnecessarily due to past connections, and this use of money is not the essence of management. Proper management is to invest the right costs in the right places to increase corporate value.

    In order for each company to eliminate unnecessary costs and invest in the right areas, we believe that when placing an order, each company’s full-time employees should not only be able to obtain quotes from other companies but should also be able to estimate costs appropriately with the proper knowledge.

    U.S.-based Support Environment

    SASAL is a strategy consulting firm headquartered in New York.SASAL’s internal language is English, and the company operates with a focus on local U.S. companies.SASAL focuses on U.S. sales as a U.S. company, so companies can gain a clearer global perspective by working with SASAL.SASAL is a U.S. company that focuses on U.S. sales.SASAL is an owner-operated company and can expand overseas with a very low budget compared to other major companies. In general, the cost of overseas expansion is considered to be enormous, and some companies give up on overseas expansion due to a lack of knowledge or budget constraints. On the other hand, SASAL is a small company that has accumulated a wealth of in-house knowledge and experience in the global marketplace.

    Stable service composed entirely of permanent employees

    SASAL focuses on hiring permanent employees and training personnel. In-house training is provided through materials shared with clients, allowing us to share appropriate solutions to client concerns. In addition, employees acquire the knowledge necessary for corporate management not only through textbook learning but also experientially through actual work in SASAL operations. Therefore, SASAL employees are able to perform practical work not only on the desk but also in the POC environment of SASAL itself, enabling them to provide clients with strategic support that has established results. In addition, SASAL’s services are structured so that all employees can provide the same level of service. We are not a BPO company but a strategic consulting company that accumulates knowledge within the company.

    Counselor Service

    SASAL offers a number of services. However, we recommend that all companies first sign up for our Counselor Service. This is because it is our most flexible and inexpensive service. In addition to 24/7 support, this service includes additional support for our clients.

    The purpose of this service is to lower the communication hurdle between the strategic consulting firm and each company, which is generally expensive, and to help each company increase its corporate value. The annual cost is equivalent to one new employee and can be renewed on a monthly basis. When requesting SASAL, you will need to have at least one person at your company who can speak English. We hope that you will make effective use of SASAL to enhance your company’s overseas knowledge and increase your company’s value more quickly. Please click on the link below to complete the application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Service Application:

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