Save the Quality of the work for the client

Table of Contents

For the quality of the work, SASAL, INC sets that policy for the employees.

  • In-person
    Basically, the SASAL, INC employees work in person.
  • No side jobs
    Focus on the current job and quality; SASAL, INC doesn’t allow sub-side jobs. SASAL, INC thinks that the time an employee would like to do a side job, it’s time to leave SASAL, INC.
  • Full-time Employees
    For the quality of the work, SASAL, INC doesn’t ask for the job of the subcontractor.
  • Hourly Share System
    For the quality of the work and to make use of the budget of the client, SASAL, INC set the rule to inform the job status per hour from the employees. Via this, the employees are able to communicate smoothly, and then that leads to effective work.
  • Hiring process
    SASAL, INC tries the cycle of the process of recruiting; for hiring, SASAL, INC does at least 3 interviews. Via that, SASAL, INC is able to hire knowledgeable employees.

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