How to start Mergers and Acquisitions in the US

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are strategic decisions taken by companies to consolidate their assets, operations, and market presence. These transactions can significantly impact the business landscape, influencing market dynamics, competition, and economic growth. Mergers and Acquisitions are powerful tools for corporate growth and strategic realignment. While they offer numerous benefits, they also come with risks and challenges. Successful M&A transactions require careful planning, thorough due diligence, and effective integration strategies.

What is Mergers and Acquisitions


A merger occurs when two companies agree to combine their operations and form a new entity. This process is typically mutual and involves the blending of resources, technologies, and market share. Mergers can be classified into several types:

  1. Horizontal Mergers: These occur between companies operating in the same industry and often direct competitors. The primary goal is to achieve economies of scale, reduce competition, and increase market share. For example, the merger between Daimler-Benz and Chrysler to form DaimlerChrysler.
  2. Vertical Mergers: These involve companies at different stages of the production process. For instance, a manufacturer merging with a supplier. The aim is to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve supply chain efficiency. An example is the acquisition of Time Warner by AT&T.
  3. Conglomerate Mergers: These occur between companies in unrelated businesses. The objective is diversification, risk management, and leveraging synergies across different industries. An example is the merger between Walt Disney Company and American Broadcasting Company (ABC).


An acquisition happens when one company purchases another. The acquired company may either be absorbed into the purchasing company or operate as a subsidiary. Acquisitions can be friendly or hostile:

  1. Friendly Acquisitions: These occur when the target company agrees to be acquired. The process is usually smooth, with both companies working together to finalize the deal. An example is Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram.
  2. Hostile Acquisitions: These occur when the target company does not want to be acquired. The acquiring company may go directly to the shareholders or use other tactics to gain control. An example is the acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft Foods.

Valuation in M&A

Valuation is a critical aspect of M&A. It involves determining the worth of the target company to ensure a fair price is paid. Several methods are used for valuation:

  1. Comparable Company Analysis (CCA): This method involves comparing the target company with similar companies in the industry. Key metrics such as price-to-earnings ratio, EBITDA, and revenue multiples are analyzed.
  2. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF): This method involves projecting the target company’s future cash flows and discounting them to present value using a discount rate. It provides an intrinsic value based on the company’s future earning potential.
  3. Precedent Transactions: This method involves analyzing past M&A transactions in the same industry. It helps in understanding the market trends and valuation multiples paid for similar companies.

Regulations and Legal Considerations

M&A activities are subject to various regulations to ensure fair competition and prevent monopolies. Antitrust laws play a crucial role in this regard. Regulatory bodies such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States and the European Commission in the EU review M&A transactions to ensure they do not harm consumers or stifle competition.

Strategic Considerations

Companies engage in M&A for several strategic reasons:

  1. Growth: M&A can provide rapid growth opportunities by acquiring new markets, technologies, and customer bases.
  2. Synergies: Combining operations can lead to cost savings, increased efficiencies, and enhanced capabilities.
  3. Diversification: M&A allows companies to diversify their product lines, services, and market presence, reducing dependency on a single market.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Acquiring competitors or complementary businesses can strengthen a company’s market position and competitive edge.

Challenges in M&A

Despite the potential benefits, M&A transactions come with challenges:

  1. Cultural Integration: Merging different corporate cultures can be difficult and may lead to conflicts and reduced employee morale.
  2. Regulatory Hurdles: Obtaining regulatory approvals can be time-consuming and may require significant concessions.
  3. Financial Risks: Overpaying for a target company or failing to achieve projected synergies can lead to financial losses.
  4. Operational Disruptions: Integrating operations can disrupt business activities and affect customer relationships.

SASAL, INC’s Support

SASAL recommends M&A for niche technologies. On the other hand, we do not recommend M&A to increase operational speed and efficiency. This is because acquisitions are labor-intensive and costly, and PMI is also expensive. As a result, we have seen many companies abandon acquired services because they cannot utilize them fully. SASAL recommends that clients consider whether or not to purchase a company based on its patentability, and our M&A support is designed to provide our clients with honest opinions. Our M&A support will provide our clients with an honest opinion.

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