How to find the right strategy consulting firm

SASAL, INC is a strategy consulting firm. SASAL, INC thinks that to operate a corporation; every corporation needs a strategy consulting firm. A strategy consulting firm is a firm that gives the correct opinion based on the background of the corporation and leads the proper operation of the corporation.

What is the right strategy consulting firm?

Difference between the right strategy firm and others

There are differences between real strategy and desk strategy. SASAL, INC focuses on the real strategy. Real strategy is the strategy for getting sales and growing your corporation. It is not a strategy for explaining. SASAL, INC concentrates on the real strategy for each corporation. For example, when the client is a start-up, SASAL, INC provides sales advice for growing your corporation. When the client is a tier corporation, SASAL, INC is focused on the efficient way of operating the corporation. When the client asks the business to the strategy consulting firm, the client needs to consider whether the corporation is able to provide a real strategy or not.

What is a strategy consulting firm? Some say they make PowerPoint presentations, create documents, and listen to clients’ demands. SASAL, INC. thinks that an actual strategy consulting firm is focused on the client’s Future Value. A strategy consulting firm focused on making plans is just a bunch of workers.

SASAl, INC. thinks strategy consulting firms must focus on the client’s future value. For future value, you need to earn the sales correctly; after earning the money, you might like to contribute to the world.

In the one range of the contract to the one business corporation, sometimes a strategy consulting firm is forced to make a strategy document to win the other department in one corporation. However, that is not a real strategy consulting firm feature; the real strategy consulting firm’s figure is to grow the client’s future value. That also leads you to earn your current sales.

A strategy consulting firm needs to work on realizing the client’s KPI. That is not only making the document; the real strategy consulting firm’s figure is growing the client’s future value by using current knowledge, connections, resources, and others.

If you are considering asking a strategy consulting firm for a project, the first thing you need to see is the firm’s attitude. That also leads to true business future value and current value growth.

Significant problems for every consulting firm.

Before introducing our firm, we would like to share with you some of the challenges we have identified for consulting firms. Just as the needs of companies vary widely, so do the characteristics of consulting firms. Please note that we are not in any way denigrating other firms.

Corporate Structure Issues.

Some strategic consulting firms do not focus on employee development but instead earn revenue by subcontracting work to subcontractors or freelancers. In this business model, the client may end up training the subcontractor’s employees as if they were full-time employees. In the long run, SASAL believes that it is more efficient for companies to hire full-time employees rather than outsourcing to outside firms, even if the need arises to explore new areas that are not well known. In this case, SASAL’s services are more flexible than those of other consulting firms, and we are confident that we can help companies accumulate knowledge by hiring experts as full-time employees and accumulating knowledge in your company while we provide additional support in areas of expertise.

Proposal Issues

Basically, consulting firms submit a proposal after hearing your requirements.SASAL, on the other hand, basically states its costs upfront, just as retailers do. This is because we are confident in the range of services that we can provide at SASAL and can ensure a stable supply. We also want to be involved in the growth of each company for a long time by providing our clients with the right services at the right cost. Some consulting firms submit estimates even when the project members who will be handling the project do not have the knowledge to do so, utilizing past results and examples from other countries.SASAL is so confident in its services that it publishes service details and costs in advance to avoid the same problems.SASAL is so confident in its services that it posts service details and costs in advance to avoid the same situation.

Project Operational Issues.

The goal of each project is to achieve the goals of the proposal, and consulting firms tend to use outside firms when in-house expertise is lacking. In some cases, as much as 80% of a project may consist of subcontractors, and the composition of the firm will not come to light unless the client requests disclosure. In addition, subcontractors may be forced to act as if they are full-time employees on the project, which is a far cry from being honest with the client. When a strategy consulting firm relies on outside firms, the consulting firm is positioned as a department store rather than a repository of strategic knowledge, and we believe that contracting directly with experts rather than contracting with a department store is the right management approach. We believe that contracting directly with experts rather than with department stores is the right way to manage a company because contracting with experts with expertise not only keeps costs down but also allows a company to accumulate knowledge in-house because the information becomes clearer. Finally, if the company desires, the knowledge gained can be turned into a business as a service, not only reducing costs but also establishing the business as a profitable one, which can be recorded as sales.

Work Environment Issues

Consulting firms are generally considered to be hard-working. This is because the workload of the staff increases depending on the supervisor’s instructions, regardless of the value to the client. In many cases, the project lead does not understand the shortest distance to provide the deliverables described in the proposal documents, and in this case, instructions to subordinates are vague, resulting in an increase in unnecessary work. There are also cases where time is wasted because the supervisor is not in control of the task even though the subordinate’s workload is decreasing, or where the subordinate’s opinion, even if brilliant, is not reflected in the project and the value is finally recognized and reflected after being pointed out by the client. On the other hand, labor costs are not reflected in the client’s budget.SASAL focuses on making the hierarchy of the project structure as shallow as possible so that the client’s role in the project can be clearly defined.SASAL focuses on creating a clear role for the client by keeping the hierarchy of the project structure as shallow as possible in order to avoid unnecessary client budget wastage and to help clients spend more meaningfully and increase their corporate value.

Strategy Consulting firm’s values

For the Visitor of the Strategy Consulting Firm

Indeed, the expert is the director of every corporation; however, because they always consider their business, sometimes they forget about the broad insight. In that case, the knowledge of the consulting firm tends to give you the correct value. A strategy consulting firm is an extensive database of each corporation’s strategy knowledge. Primarily, when the director focuses on sales, sometimes they can’t see the right way of operation. In that case, SASAL, INC tells the correct opinion of the current employee instead of the employees and describes the proper operation.

For the Tier Corporation, which already makes contracts with consulting firm

Compared with other corporations, SASAL’s cost structure is really clear. Basically, consulting firms’ budgets are expensive, but the cost system is not transparent. That is because the cost comes from the occupancy of the human resources. In big corporations, people are accustomed to the high budget range. Still, by considering the proper operation, we can optimize by using the right method and by providing the appropriate knowledge.

SASAL’s Supports

SASAL Characteristic

Clear cost structure with in-house knowledge

At SASAL, we are aware of clear cost structures. In most cases, especially in the case of large companies, budgets are large, and most of them spend more than necessary without realizing it. In some cases, they continue to place orders unnecessarily due to past connections, and this use of money is not the essence of management. Proper management is to invest the right costs in the right places to increase corporate value.

In order for each company to eliminate unnecessary costs and invest in the right areas, we believe that when placing an order, each company’s full-time employees should not only be able to obtain quotes from other companies but should also be able to estimate costs appropriately with the proper knowledge.

U.S.-based Support Environment

SASAL is a strategy consulting firm headquartered in New York.SASAL’s internal language is English, and the company operates with a focus on local U.S. companies.SASAL focuses on U.S. sales as a U.S. company, so companies can gain a clearer global perspective by working with SASAL.SASAL is a U.S. company that focuses on U.S. sales.SASAL is an owner-operated company and can expand overseas with a very low budget compared to other major companies. In general, the cost of overseas expansion is considered to be enormous, and some companies give up on overseas expansion due to a lack of knowledge or budget constraints. On the other hand, SASAL is a small company that has accumulated a wealth of in-house knowledge and experience in the global marketplace.

Stable service composed entirely of permanent employees

SASAL focuses on hiring permanent employees and training personnel. In-house training is provided through materials shared with clients, allowing us to share appropriate solutions to client concerns. In addition, employees acquire the knowledge necessary for corporate management not only through textbook learning but also experientially through actual work in SASAL operations. Therefore, SASAL employees are able to perform practical work not only on the desk but also in the POC environment of SASAL itself, enabling them to provide clients with strategic support that has established results. In addition, SASAL’s services are structured so that all employees can provide the same level of service. We are not a BPO company but a strategic consulting company that accumulates knowledge within the company.

Counselor Service

SASAL offers a number of services. However, we recommend that all companies first sign up for our Counselor Service. This is because it is our most flexible and inexpensive service. In addition to 24/7 support, this service includes additional support for our clients.

The purpose of this service is to lower the communication hurdle between the strategic consulting firm and each company, which is generally expensive, and to help each company increase its corporate value. The annual cost is equivalent to one new employee and can be renewed on a monthly basis. When requesting SASAL, you will need to have at least one person at your company who can speak English. We hope that you will make effective use of SASAL to enhance your company’s overseas knowledge and increase your company’s value more quickly. Please click on the link below to complete the application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Service Application:

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